It’s been more than 10 years since I became an entrepreneur and even if things are looking simple today, there was also a time when I was just getting started, I was making mistakes all the time, there were moments when I had no idea about what I was doing even if I was supposed to make money out of it and so on so forth.
There were many times when I felt like I wanted to quit and get back to my 9-5 job where it was easy. I had no stress, I was never working more than 8 hours a day, but at the same time I never enjoyed going to my office work in a corporation. I was jealous of my friend who was a logo designer pro and he did his work as a freelancer, so every time when we heard each other I was on my way from work to home and he was traveling and working again from a different country.
So it took a while until I started, but after putting enough money in my savings account I decided to quit my job and start to work on things that are making me happy. For the first few years into the modern minimalist business I never slept more than 5-6 hours a night, I had almost zero days off, I forgot how it feels to travel, to relax or to enjoy your free time. I ended up working on average 12 hours a day and all I had in my mind was that I want to succeed with my business. And I did it.
Of course, as I said in the beginning, it wasn’t easy and I made a lot of mistakes. The good part is that every single mistake was an important lesson and it definitely helped me to grow and to become who I am today. One of the things I skipped while trying to get the first customers of my online business was the way it looked. I was passionate about programming so the development process and the way I implemented it were not a problem, but I definitely had issues when it came to the looks of my website.
I didn’t realize that I was doing something wrong until I finished everything, I waited for a while and, who would have expected that, nothing happened. I haven’t have success yet. Then I saw my competitors who were selling less qualitative products than mine but somehow they had success and I wasn’t. One day I finally saw the difference. Their websites looked great while mine wasn’t. So I got some help from my friend and we created a webdesign logo and also improved the way my platform looked. I also invested more time and money on marketing and the things worked out well. Never neglect the way your business looks because this is what will inspire the customers, will make them feel trust and they will buy your products.
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